I am currently working on an iphone web application. The first thing I looked for is how to create an iphone-like UI. Luckily I came across a UI framework called iUI which provides a template for UI we often see in iphone applications. It provides a css and javascript along with sample examples to show the usage. Once I downloaded the framework I was ready to create UI screens for my web application. However, I wanted to setup a development environment so that I could test the pages quickly in an emulator. Apple has released an sdk for iphone which can be downloaded from Apple Developer Connection site. But it only works on Mac at this time. For windows, Aptana has created an iphone plug-in for eclipse that can be used during the development as an iphone emulator. It is very helpful as it provides a quick way to see how the page would appear on an iphone. Plus, it has a built-in server that can be used to test the pages on the iphone handset. I enabled wi-fi on iphone and was able to browse the pages from the phone. Now I have the development environment setup and I am ready to develop a cool iphone app.
If you wanted to send emails to users but did not want to receive any replies to the email, you would need to setup a no-reply@domain.com email account. These kind of email ids are useful when sending emails containing forgotten passwords or activation code. Below are the steps for creating such account in Postfix. 1. Identify the file containing alias for Postfix First, make sure the following line in the ALIAS DATABASE section of the /etc/postfix/main.cf is NOT commented out: alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases 2. Create an alias that redirects messages to /dev/null Edit /etc/aliases and add following entry devnull: /dev/null 3. Create a virtual email id Edit /etc/postfix/virtual and add following entry no-reply@domain.com devnull 4. refresh postfix alias and postfix cache Execute following commands. (You may require root privileges) > newaliases > postfix reload